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  1. Nimish Dixit and R. Vijaya, Chalcogenide glasses for use in photonic switching devices: a detailed analysis, Proc. SPIE, 4417, 477-482 (2001).

  2. Invited paper, R.Vijaya, Filter-less tunable fiber lasers, Kiran (A bulletin of the Indian Laser Association), 19, 60-63 (2008).

  3. Invited paper, Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, Alok Ray and Sucharita Sinha, Effect of photonic stop band on the emission of Rhodamine dye, Kiran (A bulletin of the Indian Laser Association) 20 (1), pp.48-52 (2009). 

  4. Invited paper, Deepa Venkitesh and R.Vijaya, Demonstration of a broad-band source based on a filter-less fiber laser, Kiran (A bulletin of the Indian Laser Association) 20 (1), pp. 22-27 (2009).

  5. Invited paper, Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A.K.Ray, Sucharita Sinha and K.Dasgupta, Spectral narrowing of emission from ZnO inverse photonic crystals, Kiran (A bulletin of the Indian Laser Association) 21 (1), pp.28-31 (2010).

  6. Invited paper, Gyanendra Kumar, Suchita and R.Vijaya, Nonlinear dynamical and nonlinear optical studies on low-power erbium doped fiber laser, Kiran (A bulletin of the Indian Laser Association), 25, 4-8 (2014).

  7. Invited paper, R.Vijaya, Sixty years of lasers, Physics News, 50, 4-10 (2020).

  8. Sudip K. Chatterjee and R. Vijaya, Far-detuned parametric sidebands via multiple intermodal four-wave mixing in communication fiber, Asian J. Phys. 31 (3-5), 465-473 (2022). 

  9. Bhavya S. Sanghavi, Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Frequency selective surfaces – an Introduction, Resonance-journal of science education, 28 (11), 1637-1649 (2023).    


  1. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti, G.Sundararajan and T.A.Prasada Rao, Degenerate four wave mixing in solutions of pure and iodine-doped polyphenyl acetylene, Opt.Commun. 76, 256 (1990)

  2. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti, T.A.Prasada Rao and G.Sundararajan, Nonresonant third-order optical response of polyphenyl acetylene, J. Appl. Phys. 69, 3429 (1991)

  3. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti and T.A.Prasada Rao, Nonlinear optical studies on iodine solutions, J. Mod. Optics 39, 115 (1992)

  4. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti and T.A.Prasada Rao, Optical phase conjugation in laser dyes, Opt. Quant. Electr. 24, 575 (1992)

  5. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti, G.Sundararajan, C.K.Mathews and P.R.Vasudeva Rao, Degenerate four wave mixing in the carbon cluster C, Optics Commun. 94, 353 (1992)

  6. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti, T.A.Vijayaraj and G. Sundararajan, Optical nonlinearities in substituted conjugated polymers, Opt. Quant. Electr., 25, 723 (1993)

  7. B.Gita, G.Sundararajan, R.Vijaya and Y.V.G.S.Murti, Degenerate four wave mixing in the copolymer of phenylacetylene and norbornene, Opt. Mat. 4, 663 (1995)

  8. R.Vijaya, Y.V.G.S.Murti, T.A.Vijayaraj and G.Sundararajan, Optical limiting action in poly (para-methoxy phenyl acetylene), Curr. Sci. 72, 507 (1997)

  9. Bhanu P. Singh, R.Vijaya, Shankar J. Shetty, K.Kandasamy, P. N. Puntambekar and T. S. Srivastava, Dendritic porphyrins: Synthesis and third order optical nonlinearity, J. Porph. Phthal., 4 (7), 659-664 (2000)

  10. Bhanu P. Singh, R Vijaya, T Kundu, K Kandasamy, P N Puntambekar, S J Shetty and T S Srivastava, Third order optical nonlinearity of chlorin derivatives, J. Porph. Phthal. 5, 439-441 (2001).

  11. Diksha Makwani and R.Vijaya, Frequency-dependent hyperpolarizability of benzene derivatives: ab-initio calculations, J.Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 16 (3), 367-380 (2007)

  12. Diksha Makwani and R.Vijaya, First hyperpolarizability of donor-acceptor substituted aromatic backbone molecular systems: effect of dihedral angle and excitation energy, J.Computational Methods in Science and Engg. 8, 287-296 (2008)

  13. Diksha Makwani and R.Vijaya, Solvent effects on the dispersion of linear polarizability and first hyperpolarizability of para-nitroaniline using polarizable continuum model, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys and Mater. 18 (1), 85-97 (2009)

  14. Diksha Makwani and R.Vijaya, Frequency-dependent polarizability of small silicon clusters, Int. J. Nanosci. 10, 367-371 (2011).

  15. Diksha Makwani and R.Vijaya, Fabrication of SU-8 ridge waveguides by optical lithography and their characterization, Int. J. Nanosci. 10, 771-775 (2011).

  16. Diksha Makwani and R. Vijaya, Investigation of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Gan+1, GanAl and GanAs (n=1-8) Clusters by Density Functional Theory, AIP Proc. 1393, 65-66 (2011).

  17. Suchita, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Spectral features of anti-Stokes and Stokes modes generated by stimulated Raman scattering in liquid toluene, Appl. Phys. B 122, 257 (2016).


  1. D D Shah, J Ravikanth and R Vijaya, Optimization of peak transmittivity in a nonlinear fiber loop mirror – an accurate analysis, Optics Commun. 197, 301-308 (2001)

  2. Nimish Dixit, D.D.Shah and R.Vijaya, Optimization study for the generation of high bit-rate spectrally enriched pulses for WDM applications, Optics Commun. 205, 281-292 (2002)

  3. D.D.Shah, Nimish Dixit and R. Vijaya, A multi-wavelength optical source for synchronous and asynchronous data transfer at a minimum of 16x10 Gbps, Opt. Fiber Technol. 9, 149-158 (2003)

  4. Nimish Dixit and R.Vijaya, Role of positive pre-chirping on the nonlinear compression of a dual frequency beat signal with a dispersion imbalanced loop mirror, J.Opt.A: Pure Appl. Opt. 6, 412-420 (2004)

  5. Nimish Dixit and R.Vijaya, Performance evaluation of a multi-wavelength gigahertz optical source for wavelength division multiplexed transmission, Optics Commun. 235, 89-98 (2004)

  6. Nimish Dixit and R.Vijaya, Analysis of a multi-wavelength pulsed optical source for application in WDM transmission, Journal of Optics (India), 33, 221-231 (2004)

  7. Deepa R and R.Vijaya, Generalised dispersive phase and its effect on four wave mixing in fibers, Optics commun.269, 206-214 (2007)

  8. Deepa Venkitesh and R.Vijaya, Spectral characteristics of continuous wave broadband from a fiber laser with a low dispersion fiber in the cavity, J.Appl. Phys. 104, 053104 (2008)

  9. Deepa Venkitesh, Aditi Ghosh and R.Vijaya, Broadband output from an actively mode-locked fiber ring laser, Applied Optics 48 (31), G28-G32 (2009)

  10. Aditi Ghosh, Deepa Venkitesh and R.Vijaya, Study of Brillouin amplifier characteristics towards optimized conditions for slow light generation, Applied Optics 48 (31), G48-G52 (2009)

  11. Aditi Ghosh, Deepa Venkitesh and R.Vijaya, Stability studies on Continuous-wave broadband generated in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser using highly nonlinear fiber, IEEE Photonics Journal 2 (5), 703-711 (2010)

  12. Aditi Ghosh and R.Vijaya, Continuous wave broadband generation using specialty fibers in fiber laser cavity, Appl.Opt. 50, E76-E79 (2011)

  13. Suchita, Soham Sarbadhikari and R.Vijaya, Spectral broadening due to intra-cavity four wave mixing at low pump powers in erbium doped fiber ring laser, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28, 1442008-1 to 1442008-14(2014).

  14. Ankita Jain, Suchita, K.Pradeep Kumar and R.Vijaya, Pump suppressed four wave mixing in optical fibers for correlated photon generation using feedback technique, Proc. SPIE , 89641X-1-89641X-6 (2014).).

  15. Suchita and R.Vijaya, Temporal coherence of a low-power erbium-doped fiber laser with spectrally broadened output, J.Opt.Soc.Am. A 34, 1004-1010 ( 2017)

  16. Suchita and R.Vijaya, Effect of source spectral width and its temporal coherence in the interference pattern of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Opt. Commun.402, 478-482 (2017)

  17. Suchita and R.Vijaya, Temporal Coherence Study of Four Wave Mixing Products with and without the Laser Cavity Effect, Appl. Opt. 57, 1075-1082 (2018)

  18. Suchita and R.Vijaya, Demonstration of phase correlation between the spectral lines of a broadband fiber laser, IEEE J.Quant.Electr. 54(5), 1600508 (2018)  

  19. Sudip K Chatterjee and R.Vijaya, Degenerate intermodal four-wave mixing with Q-switched nanosecond pulses in SMF-28 for the generation of discrete ultraviolet-visible wavelengths, OSA Continuum 1, 1360-1369 (2018)

  20. Sudip K Chatterjee and R.Vijaya, Narrowband Ultraviolet Generation in Dispersion-shifted Few-mode Fiber via combined effect of Intermodal Four-wave mixing and Nonlinear Mode Coupling, Opt. Commun.458, 124816 (2020)

  21. Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya, Saturable absorption and its consequent effects in bistable erbium-doped fiber ring laser, J. Opt. (IOP), 24, 024007 (2022)

  22. Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya, Mixed line broadening in the saturable absorption of erbium-doped fiber, Opt. Quant. Electr. 55, 113 (2023).

  23. Deeksha Jachpure, Om Prakash and R. Vijaya, Saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber for controlling lasing peaks and their linewidths in fiber laser, Optical Fiber Technology, 88, 104022 (Dec 2024).


  1. J. Ravikanth, D.D.Shah, R.Vijaya, Bhanu P. Singh and R.K.Shevgaonkar, High-power EDFA analysis, Proc. SPIE, 4417, 396-402 (2001)

  2. J. Ravikanth, D.D.Shah, R.Vijaya, Bhanu P. Singh and R.K.Shevgaonkar, Analysis of high-power EDFA operated in saturated regime at =1530 nm and its performance evaluation in DWDM systems, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 32, 64-70 (2002), Erratum: 34, 399 (2002)

  3. Deepa V and R. Vijaya, A tunable Erbium doped fiber laser without the use of intra-cavity filters, Proc. SPIE  (Ed.: J.Armitage), 6796, 679611 (Oct 2007).

  4. Deepa V. and R.Vijaya, Linewidth characteristics of a filterless erbium doped fiber ring laser, J.Appl.Phys. 102, 083107 (2007)

  5. Deepa V. and R.Vijaya, Effect of pump power on the tuning range of a filter-less erbium doped fiber ring laser, Appl. Phys. B 89, 329-332 (2007)

  6. Deepa R and R.Vijaya, Influence of bidirectional pumping in high-power EDFA on single-channel, multi-channel and pulsed signal amplification, Opt. Fiber Technol. 14, 20-26 (2008)

  7. Deepa Venkitesh and R.Vijaya, Influence of intra-cavity attenuation on the linewidth of an erbium doped fiber ring laser, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology 3, 412-418 (2008)

  8. Deepa Venkitesh, Shriharsh Tendulkar and R.Vijaya, Performance evaluation of Gunn oscillators for active mode-locking of erbium doped fiber ring lasers, Microwave and Optical Tech.Letters 50, 2684-2688 (2008)

  9. Aditi Ghosh, B.K.Goswami and R.Vijaya, Nonlinear resonance phenomena of a doped fiber laser under cavity-loss modulation: experimental demonstrations, Pramana - J. Phys. 75, 915-921 (2010).

  10. Aditi Ghosh and R.Vijaya, Linear and nonlinear resonance features of an erbium-doped fibre ring laser under cavity-loss modulation, Pramana - J. Phys. 83, 147-159 (2014) DOI:

  11. Gyanendra Kumar and R.Vijaya, Dynamics of erbium-doped fibre laser under cavity-loss modulation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 304-305, 34-41 (2015)

  12. Gyanendra Kumar and R.Vijaya, Dynamical features of loss and pump modulation in erbium doped fibre ring laser, J.Opt. (IOP) 17, 125402 (2015)

  13. Gyanendra Kumar and R.Vijaya, Control of dynamics in loss-modulated erbium doped fiber ring laser, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 574-582 (2017)             

  14. Gyanendra Kumar and R.Vijaya, Dynamical bistability of a loss-modulated erbium-doped fiber ring laser, Appl. Phys. B 123, 152 (2017)   

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