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RESEARCH WORK (2020-2024)


1. Linu George, Sumedha and R. Vijaya, Improving antireflection in near-infrared wavelength range by double-sided planar coating on common substrates, Indian Journal of Physics (Springer), 98, 733-740 (Feb 2024).

2. Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Large-period plasmonic grating with sinusoidal profile for monitoring water quality with high sensitivity, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications, 58, 101199 (Feb 2024). 

3. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, National Science Day celebration, CSJM University, Kanpur, 28 Feb 2024.

4. Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Multi-modal flexible and inexpensive plasmonic metasurface for widest range of refractive index sensing, J. Phys: Phot. (IOP), 6(4), 045004 (Oct 2024).

5. Oral: OptoIn 2024, XLVII OSI Symposium, Chandigarh, 23-25 Oct 2024, “Light-based experimental method to estimate the large groove depth of 1D sub-wavelength polymeric phase gratings” by Dhananjoy De and R. Vijaya.

6. Poster: OptoIn 2024, XLVII OSI Symposium, Chandigarh, 23-25 Oct 2024, “Optimized 1D and 2D Plasmonic Metagratings to Detect Micromolar Levels of Viral Load in Solutions” by Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya.

7. Avijit Maity*, Vaswati Biswas* and R. Vijaya, Control of visible-range transmission and reflection haze by varying pattern size, shape and depth in flexible metasurfaces, Frontiers of Optoelectronics (Springer), 17, 25 (Dec 2024).  *: equal contribution

8. Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Millimeter lens array on flexible polymer for lensing, imaging and bi-directional beam shaping applications, Journal of Lightwave Technology 42, 8285-8294 (Dec 2024).   10.1109/JLT.2024.3426660

9. Deeksha Jachpure, Om Prakash and R. Vijaya, Saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber for controlling lasing peaks and their linewidths in fiber laser, Optical Fiber Technology, 88, 104022 (Dec 2024).   

10. Oral: Transfer of technology (ToT) conference, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 22-23 Nov 2024, “Multifunctional millimeter lens array for medical applications” by Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya.

11. Poster: Photonics 2024, Kharagpur, 12-15 Dec 2024, “Multifunctional millimeter lens array for visible range” by Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya.

12. Poster: Photonics 2024, Kharagpur, 12-15 Dec 2024, “Complementary nano-patterns on flexible dielectric metasurfaces for effective reduction of specular reflection” by Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya.


  1. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, SYMPHY, Mumbai, 28-29 Jan 2023, “Broadband laser and UV-visible light generation using nonlinear photonics”.

  2. Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya, Multiband, Continuously Tunable Filter in 100-300 GHz Range Using a Two-Layer Cavity of Perforated, All-Dielectric Metasurfaces, Opt. Quant. Electr. 55, 109 (Feb 2023).

  3. Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya, Mixed line broadening in the saturable absorption of erbium-doped fiber, Opt. Quant. Electr. 55, 113 (Feb 2023).

  4. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, International conference on advanced materials (ICAM-2023), Goa, 20-24 Feb 2023, “Patterned surfaces and Metasurfaces for Photonics”.

  5. Aniket Patra, Renuka Devi Pothuraju, Dhananjoy De, Vincenzo Caligiuri, R. Vijaya, Antonio De Luca and Roman Krahne,  Design and Polarization Control of the Modal Splitting in Hybrid Anisotropic Nanocavities, Adv. Optical Mater. (Wiley) 2202876 (Mar 2023).

  6. Proc. SPIE, Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, "Plasmonic gratings for refractive index sensing", Proc. SPIE 12638, 126380D, Women in Optics and Photonics in India 2022 (May 2023).

  7. Poster: Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Indian Women Scientists Association Triennial conference, Mumbai 11-13 June 2023, “Non-destructive optical analysis for size determination of small objects”.

  8. Garima Joshi, Bhavya S. Sanghavi and R. Vijaya, Stacked Lightweight Metasurface for Wider Stopband in X-K band, Microelectronic Engineering, 278, 112041 (June 2023).

  9. Arpita Haldar, Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Diffractive metasurfaces with opposite curvatures of unit cells, Optics and Laser Technology, 162, 109309 (July 2023).

  10. Linu George, Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R. Vijaya, Patterned dielectric mirrors for uniformly high reflection in polarized light, Thin Solid Films, 776, 139886 (July 2023).

  11. Dhananjoy De and R. Vijaya, Dielectric Metasurfaces for Refractive Index Sensing towards Anemia Detection, Front. Photonics, 4, 1234060 (July 2023).

  12. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, International conference PHOTONICS 2023, Bangalore, 5-8 July 2023, "Planar Optics for Applications Spanning Microwave to Visible Range Wavelengths".

  13. Poster: Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, International conference PHOTONICS-2023, Bangalore, 5-8 July 2023, "Plasmonic metasurface mimicking the top surface of colloidal photonic crystal".

  14. Bhavya S. Sanghavi, Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Frequency selective surfaces – an Introduction, Resonance-journal of science education, 28 (11), 1637-1649 (Nov 2023).

  15. Poster: Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) -2023, Allahabad, 7-9 Dec 2023, “Plasmonic metasurface with hexagonal nanobumps on flexible substrate for sensing” by Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya. 

  16. Oral: Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP)-2023, Allahabad, 7-9 Dec 2023, “Millimeter-sized lens array on polymer surface” by Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya.

  17. Poster: Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP)-2023, Allahabad, 7-9 Dec 2023, “Longitudinal mode control in fiber laser ring cavity using saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber” by Om Prakash, Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya.

  18. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP)-2023, Allahabad, 7-9 Dec 2023, “Optical Fibers and Nonlinear Photonics to Build New Low-power Lasers”.

  19. IEEE Proc. Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Plasmonic metasurface with hexagonal nanobumps on flexible substrate for sensing, 2023 IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) (Dec 2023). DOI: 10.1109/WRAP59682.2023.10712863 ​

  20. IEEE Proc. Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Millimeter-sized lens array on polymer surface, 2023 IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) (Dec 2023). DOI: 10.1109/WRAP59682.2023.10713039

  21. IEEE Proc. Om Prakash, Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya, Longitudinal mode control in fiber laser ring cavity using saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber, 2023 IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) (Dec 2023). DOI: 10.1109/WRAP59682.2023.10712909

  22. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, International conference on Optics, Photonics and Quantum Information (OPTIQ-2023), XLVI OSI Symposium, Kochi, 11-13 Dec 2023, “Patterned surfaces for photonic sensing and imaging”.


  1. Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya, Saturable absorption and its consequent effects in bistable erbium-doped fiber ring laser, J.Opt. (IOP), 24, 024007 (Jan 2022).

  2. Sudip K. Chatterjee and R. Vijaya, Far-detuned parametric sidebands via multiple intermodal four-wave mixing in communication fiber, Asian J. Phys. 31 (3-5), 465-473 (March-April 2022).     

  3. Oral: AES 2022, Marrakesh-Morocco, 24-27 May 2022, “THz range perforated metasurface-integrated multiband Fabry-Perot microstrip patch antenna” by Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya.

  4. Poster with Oral: Optical Interference Coatings Conference (OIC 2022), British Columbia, Canada, 19-24 June 2022, Improving antireflection by double-sided coating on common substrates for NIR range” by Linu George*, Sumedha* and R. Vijaya.  *: equal contribution.

  5. Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya, Photonic crystal based heterostructures in the control of emission and diffraction features, ISSS J Micro Smart Syst.   11, 81-112 (June 2022).

  6. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, IEEE Conecct 2022, Bangalore, 8-10 July 2022, “Photonics in visible, near-IR and terahertz range using patterned surfaces”.

  7. Oral: International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2022), 12-15 Sept 2022, “Dielectric and Plasmonic Metasurfaces for Refractive Index Sensing in the NIR Range” by Dhananjoy De and R. Vijaya.

  8. Oral: IEEE Photonics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 13-17 Nov 2022, “Large-period Sinusoidal Plasmonic Grating for High Sensitivity in Refractive Index Sensing”, by Vaswati Biswas and R.Vijaya.

  9. Poster: Women in Optics and Photonics (WOPI), Bangalore, 6-7 Dec 2022, “Plasmonic gratings for refractive index sensing”, Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya.

  10. Oral: IEEE MAPCON Conference, Bangalore, 13-15 Dec 2022, “Transparent and Flexible Single-layer Metasurface with Specially Chosen Unit Cell for Multi-band Operation in X-K Band”, Bhavya S. Sanghavi, Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya.


  1. Pratyasha Sahani and R.Vijaya, Polarization state of transmitted and emitted light in homogeneous and inhomogeneous medium, Appl. Phys.B, 127, 27 (Feb 2021).

  2. Dipak Rout, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Concurrent deep UV diffractions enabled by the Bragg condition and crystal symmetry of silica inverse opals, J.Phys.D – Appl.Phys. 54 (12), 125104 (March 2021). 

  3. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, Photonics North, Canada, 31 May 2021 to 3 June 2021, "In-band, Band-edge and Out-of-band Effects on Polarized Light in Colloidal Crystals” by R.Vijaya and Pratyasha Sahani.

  4. Express presnetation: Photonics North, Canada, 31 May 2021 to 3 June 2021, "Saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber and optical bistability in erbium-doped fiber ring laser” by Deeksha Jachpure and R.Vijaya.

  5. Invited webinar by R. Vijaya, “Periodic structures: Photonic Crystals”, 23 July 2021, in Web-colloquium on "Light-Matter Interaction at Nanoscale", Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Trivandrum, Kerala.

  6. Poster: META-2021, Warsaw, Poland, 20-23 July 2021, “Spatial filtering enabled spectral characterization of a photonic crystal cavity”, Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, R.Vijaya and Shilpi Gupta.     

  7. Invited talk by R. Vijaya, FOP21, Delhi, 24-27 Sept 2021, Optical Tamm plasmons in Nanophotonics.       

  8. Oral: IEEE Photonics Conference, USA, 17-21 Oct 2021, “Structured surfaces for Frequency Control and Antenna Gain Enhancement” By Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya.

  9. Oral: IEEE Photonics Conference, USA, 17-21 Oct 2021, “Laser-induced Emission from Tamm Plasmon-activated Three-dimensional Photonic Crystal”, by Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya.

  10. Poster: Frontiers in Optics conference (FiO-LS) 2021, OSA, Washington, USA, 31 Oct - 4 Nov, 2021, “Optimum Pattern Depth for Diffraction in Phase Gratings” by Arpita Haldar, Dhananjoy De and R.Vijaya.

  11. Distinguished Speaker: International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2021), Besancon, France, 2-5 Nov 2021, “Diffraction in Metasurfaces with Opposite Curvatures of Unit Cells” by Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya.

  12. Oral: Students conference on Optics and Photonics (SCOP-2021), Ahmedabad, 24-26 Nov 2021, “Optical bistability: its mechanism and control in erbium-doped fiber ring laser” by Deeksha Jachpure and R. Vijaya.

  13. Pratyasha Sahani and R.Vijaya, Stokes-Mueller formalism of spectrally-resolved transmitted light in an artificial opal, J. Opt. (IOP) 23, 115104 (Nov 2021).

  14. Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya, Metasurface-based triple-band high-gain Fabry-Perot cavity antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engg. (Wiley), 31(12): e22887 (Dec 2021).


  1. Sudip K Chatterjee and R.Vijaya, Narrowband Ultraviolet Generation in Dispersion-shifted Few-mode Fiber via combined effect of Intermodal Four-wave mixing and Nonlinear Mode Coupling, Opt. Commun.458, 124816 (March 2020).

  2. Invited talk International OSA Network of Students (IONS 2020), Delhi, 29 Feb-Mar.2, 2020, “Optical diffraction from periodic Micro-nano structures” by R.Vijaya.

  3. Oral: International OSA Network of Students (IONS 2020), Delhi, 29 Feb-Mar.2, 2020, “Tamm plasmon modes for designing optically-pumped vertical-cavity lasers” by Adityaa Bajpai, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya.

  4. Invited talk Workshop on "Lasers, Fiber Optics & Optical Communications, Fiber sensors", " Lasers for optical communication networks", IWSA, Mumbai, 6-7 Mar, 2020.

  5. Oral: CLEO-2020, San Jose, USA, 10-15 May 2020, “Generation of annular beam using photonic crystal cavity”, Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, R.Vijaya and Shilpi Gupta.

  6. Poster: CLEO-2020, San Jose, USA, 10-15 May 2020, “Far-field Optical Diffraction Imaging of Opal-based Photonic Crystal”, Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya.

  7. Invited paper, R.Vijaya, Sixty years of lasers, Physics News, 50, 4-10 (July-Sept 2020)

  8. Poster: FiO-LS 2020, Washington DC, 13-17 Sept 2020, “Spectral Characterization of Light Source using Photonic Crystal Cavity”, Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, R. Vijaya, and Shilpi Gupta.

  9. Oral: FiO-LS 2020, Washington DC, 13-17 Sept 2020, “Polarization-preserving high-reflector with wavelength-selective diffraction” Linu George, Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R. Vijaya.

  10. Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, Vivek Garg, Rakesh G. Mote, R. Vijaya and Shilpi Gupta, Translationally invariant generation of annular beams using thin films, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett, 32, 1273-1276 (Oct 2020).

  11. Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya, Light Diffraction from a Flexible Patterned Layer with Periodically Arranged Dimples, IEEE Phot. Journal, 12(5), 2700210 (Oct 2020).

  12. Poster: OPT-CT 2020, Roorkee, 26-27 Dec 2020, “Spontaneous frequency conversion via multiple intermodal four wave mixing in communication fiber”, Sudip K. Chatterjee and R. Vijaya.              

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