Department of Physics and Centre for Lasers and Photonics
R.Vijaya and Tushar Prasad, Study of bare, sintered, coated and inverted opals for photonic band gap properties at visible wavelengths, Proc. SPIE, 4598, 86-93 (2001).
R. Vijaya and Tushar Prasad, Analysis of engineered opals for photonic band gap properties at visible wavelengths, Ind.J. Phys. 77B, 201-205 (2003)
Rajesh V. Nair and R. Vijaya, Preparation and characterization of three-dimensional photonic crystals of high optical quality in thin film form, NanoTrends, 1, 12-26 (2006).
Rajesh V. Nair and R. Vijaya, Optical properties of functionalized polymeric photonic crystals, Proc. SPIE (Ed: J.Armitage), 6796, 67961Q (Oct 2007).
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Infiltration of ZnO in polymeric photonic crystal by sol-gel process, J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 40, 990-997 (2007)
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Three dimensionally ordered photonic crystal heterostructures with a double photonic stop band, J.Appl.Phys. 102, 056102 (2007) Posted on the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Vol.16 (13), Sept 2007
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Observation of higher-order diffraction features in self-assembled photonic crystals, Phys.Rev. A 76, 053805 (2007) Posted on the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Vol.16 (21), Nov 2007
Rajesh V. Nair, R.Vijaya, Keiji Kuroda and Kazuaki Sakoda, Emission studies on photonic crystals fabricated using dyed polystyrene colloids, J.Appl. Phys. 102, 123106 (2007)
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Structural and optical characterization of photonic crystals synthesized using the inward growing self assembling method, Appl. Phys. A 90, 559-563 (2008).
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Reply to Comment on Observation of higher-order diffraction features in self-assembled photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. A 78, 037802-1-037802-2 (2008) Posted on the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology,Vol.18 (13), Sept.29, 2008
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Multiple Bragg diffraction in polymeric photonic crystals, Applied Optics 48 (31), G59-G63 (2009)
Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Tunable photonic stop band in the wavelength region of fiber-optic communication, Opt. Mater. 32, 387-391 (2009)
Invited Review paper, Rajesh V. Nair and R.Vijaya, Photonic crystal sensors: an Overview, Prog. Quant. Electr. 34, 89-134 (2010).
Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A.K.Ray and Sucharita Sinha,Laser emission from self-assembled active photonic crystal matrix, J.Nanophot. 4, 049506 (2010) Posted on SPIE Letters Virtual Journal (2010) Highlighted in SPIE Professional, April 2011
Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A. K. Ray, Sucharita Sinha and K. Dasgupta, Emission studies on ZnO inverse photonic crystals derived from self-assembly, Pramana – J.Phys. 75, 975-983 (2010)
Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A. K. Ray and Sucharita Sinha,Photonic stop band effect in ZnO inverse photonic crystal, Opt. Mater. 33, 466-474 (2011)
Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A. K. Ray and Sucharita Sinha, Spectral narrowing and lasing threshold in self-assembled active photonic crystal, Optics Commun. 284, 2056-2060 (2011)
Sunita Kedia and R.Vijaya, Photoluminescence of Zinc Oxide inverse photonic crystal, Int. J. Nanosci. 10, 171-175 (2011)
Sunita Kedia and R.Vijaya, Photonic crystal waveguides by direct writing of e-beam on self-assembled photonic crystals, Bull. Mat. Sci. 34, 383-388 (2011)
Sunita Kedia, R.Vijaya, A.K.Ray and Sucharita Sinha, Emission studies in double-layered and triple-layered photonic crystal microcavities, Appl. Opt. 50, E86-E91 (2011).
R.Vijaya, Stimulated and spontaneous emission from self-assembled photonic crystals, AIP Proc. 1391, 27-30 (2011)..
Sunita Kedia, M.Srinivas Reddy and R.Vijaya, Photonic crystal based direct and inverse heterostructures by colloidal self-assembly, Optics and Photonics Journal, 2, 242-248 (2012)
M. Srinivas Reddy, Ramarao Vijaya, Ivan D.Rukhlenko and Malin Premaratne, Spatial and spectral distribution of emission from dye-doped photonic crystals in reflection and transmission geometries, J.Nanophotonics 6, 063526 (2012)
M. Srinivas Reddy, Sunita Kedia, Ramarao Vijaya, Alok Kumar Ray, Sucharita Sinha, Ivan D.Rukhlenko and Malin Premaratne, Analysis of Lasing in Dye-doped Photonic Crystals, IEEE Photonics Journal 5, 4700409 (2013)
M. Srinivas Reddy, R. Vijaya, Ivan D.Rukhlenko and Malin Premaratne, Low-threshold lasing in active opal photonic crystals, Opt. Lett. 38, 1046-1048 (2013)
M. Srinivas Reddy, R. Vijaya, Ivan D.Rukhlenko, Malin Premaratne, Low-threshold lasing in photonic-crystal heterostructures, Opt.Exp. 22, 6229-6238 (2014)
K V Ummer and R Vijaya, "Photonic band-edge-induced enhancement in absorption and emission," J. Nanophoton., 9(1), 093086 (2015). doi:10.1117/1.JNP.9.093086.
M. Srinivas Reddy and R.Vijaya, Optimization of structural parameters of opal photonic crystals for wide pseudo-bandgaps, J.Opt. (IOP), 18, 055105 (2016)
M. Srinivas Reddy and R.Vijaya, Cavity-coupled guided resonances with high quality factors in photonic crystal heterostructures, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 28 (8), 833-836 (2016)
Ummer K.V and R.Vijaya, All-angle negative refraction effects and subwavelength imaging in photonic crystals with honeycomb lattice, J. Nanophot. 11, 036005 (2017) doi: 10.1117/1.JNP.11.036005
Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Band edge- and defect mode-induced emission from photonic crystal heterostructure cavity, J.Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 (1), 61-67 (2018)
Dipak Rout, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Amplified emission and modified spectral features in an opal heterostructure mediated by passive defect mode localization, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 51, 015112 (2018)
Ummer K.V and R.Vijaya, Spectral characterization of silicon photonic crystal slab using out-of-plane light coupling arrangement, Appl. Phys. B 124, 136 (2018)
Pratyasha Sahani and R.Vijaya, Polarizing properties of a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab for simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane light incidence, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51, 355101 (2018)
Sravya Rao, Rahul Shaw, Dipak Rout, Govind Kumar, Vijaya R and Shilpi Gupta, Diffraction Imaging of Cracks in Self-assembled Photonic Crystals, Opt. Mat. 91, 189-194 (2019)
Arpita Haldar, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Optical Nanopatterned Heterostructure with Dual Features of Broad Spectral Distribution and Wide Spatial Diffraction for Beam Steering in Photonic Devices, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, 6655-6661 (2019)
Dipak Rout*, Govind Kumar* and R.Vijaya, Interplay of dual photonic stopband in fluorescence enhancement from dye-doped photonic crystal heterostructures, J.Nanophot. (SPIE) 13, 046005 (2019) *: equal contribution
Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, Vivek Garg, Rakesh G. Mote, R. Vijaya and Shilpi Gupta, Translationally invariant generation of annular beams using thin films, IEEE Phot.Tech.Lett. 32, 1273-1276 (2020).
Pratyasha Sahani and R.Vijaya, Polarization state of transmitted and emitted light in homogeneous and inhomogeneous medium, Appl. Phys. B, 127, 27 (2021)
Dipak Rout, Govind Kumar and R.Vijaya, Concurrent deep UV diffractions enabled by the Bragg condition and crystal symmetry of silica inverse opals, J. Phys. D – Appl. Phys. 54 (12), 125104 (2021).
Pratyasha Sahani and R.Vijaya, Stokes-Mueller formalism of spectrally-resolved transmitted light in an artificial opal, J. Opt. (IOP) 23, 115104 (2021)
Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya, Photonic crystal based heterostructures in the control of emission and diffraction features, ISSS J Micro Smart Syst. 11, 81-112(2022).
Aniket Patra, Renuka Devi Pothuraju, Dhananjoy De, Vincenzo Caligiuri, R. Vijaya, Antonio De Luca and Roman Krahne, Design and Polarization Control of the Modal Splitting in Hybrid Anisotropic Nanocavities, Adv. Optical Mater. (Wiley) 2202876 (2023). (with supplementary)
Dipak Rout and R.Vijaya, Plasmonic Resonance-induced Effects on Stopband and emission characteristics of Dye-doped Opals, Plasmonics 10, 713-719 (2015)
Dipak Rout and R.Vijaya, Localized surface plasmon-influenced fluorescence decay in dye-doped metallo-dielectric opals, J.Appl.Phys. 119, 023108 (2016)
Dipak Rout and R.Vijaya, Role of stopband and localized surface plasmon resonance in Raman scattering from metallo-dielectric photonic crystals, Plasmonics, 12, 1409-1416 (2017)
Anupa Kumari, Samir Kumar, Mukesh Kumar Shukla, Govind Kumar, Partha Sona Maji, R. Vijaya, and Ritwick Das, Coupling to Tamm-plasmon-polaritons: Dependence on structural parameters, J.Phys.D – Appl. Phys. 51, 255103 (2018)
Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Plasmonic gratings for refractive index sensing, Proc. SPIE 12638, 126380D (2023).
Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Large-period plasmonic grating with sinusoidal profile for monitoring water quality with high sensitivity, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 58, 101199 (2024).
Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Multi-modal flexible and inexpensive plasmonic metasurface for widest range of refractive index sensing, J. Phys: Phot. (IOP), 6(4), 045004 (2024).
Arpita Haldar, M.Srinivas Reddy and R.Vijaya, Enhancement of light collection through flexible polymeric films patterned using self-assembled photonic crystals, J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 48, 265103 (2015)
Arpita Haldar, M. Srinivas Reddy and R. Vijaya, Inexpensive graded-index antireflective surfaces for silicon-based optoelectronic devices, J. Opt. Soc. Am.B 33, 2331-2338 (2016)
Arpita Haldar and R.Vijaya, Light Diffraction from a Flexible Patterned Layer with Periodically Arranged Dimples, IEEE Phot. J. 12 (5), 2700210 (2020). 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3020332
Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya, Metasurface-based triple-band high-gain Fabry-Perot cavity antenna, Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng. (Wiley) 2021; 31(12): e22887. doi:10.1002/mmce.22887 (2021)
Garima Joshi and R.Vijaya, Multiband, Continuously Tunable Filter in 100-300 GHz Range Using a Two-Layer Cavity of Perforated, All-Dielectric Metasurfaces, Opt. Quant. Electr. 55, 109 (2023).
Garima Joshi, Bhavya S. Sanghavi and R. Vijaya, Stacked Lightweight Metasurfaces for Wider Stopband in X-K band, Microelectronic Engineering, 278, 112041 (2023).
Linu George, Govind Kumar, Arpita Haldar and R. Vijaya, Patterned dielectric mirrors for uniformly high reflection in polarized light, Thin Solid Films, 776, 139886 (2023)
Arpita Haldar, Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Diffractive metasurfaces with opposite curvatures of unit cells, Optics and Laser Technology, 162, 109309 (2023). (with supplementary)
Dhananjoy De and R. Vijaya, Dielectric Metasurfaces for Refractive Index Sensing towards Anemia Detection, Frontiers in Photonics, 4, 1234060 (2023). (with supplementary)
Linu George, Sumedha and R. Vijaya, Improving antireflection in near-infrared wavelength range by double-sided planar coating on common substrates, Ind. J. Phys. (Springer) 98, 733-740 (2024).
Avijit Maity*, Vaswati Biswas* and R. Vijaya, Control of visible-range transmission and reflection haze by varying pattern size, shape and depth in flexible metasurfaces, Frontiers of Optoelectronics (Springer), 17, 25 (2024). *: equal contribution -
Garima Joshi and R. Vijaya, Millimeter lens array on flexible polymer for lensing, imaging and bi-directional beam shaping applications, J. Lightwave Technol. 42, 8285-8294 (2024).
Vaswati Biswas and R. Vijaya, Broadband and Wide-angle Antireflective Metasurfaces with Complementary Patterns, Scientific Reports (Springer) 15, 6322 (2025).